Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Podcasting consists of creating sound archives (generally in MP3 or OGG) and being able to subscribe itself by means of a file RSS so that it allows that a program unloads it so that the user listens to it at the moment that wants, generally in a portable reproducer. Also it is indicated that it is resembled a subscription to a spoken magazine in which we received the programs through Internet. The main advantages of podcasting as opposed to the simple positioning of archives of sound in a page Web are the syndication, that is to say, the possibility that a program or a service Web it remembers to visit every certain time the sources and to verify if there are new archives that to unload to listen. As opposed to streaming, or broadcasting of sound by means of Internet, podcasting offers independence, mobility and freedom of schedule. That is to say, it is possible to be heard in any portable device that reproduces MP3 (or the chosen format), in any place, without limitations of cover or connection to the Network, and at any time, since it is recorded.

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