Thursday, June 14, 2007
SahaRa's pRobLem!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Sunday, June 10, 2007

ThankS to www.wikipedia.es ...
FridaY: We were representing what we were preparing at every year, prepared each school, it had to be related to music… Our spectacle came out very well, we had prepared a song touching with crystal bottles.After all the schools finished the Danish families came to by us. In the evening in house of my Danish we were seeing one film, we had supper and at night we went to a discoteca that they to us prepared… When we returned to house we took a cup of tea and we went away to sleep.

SatuRday:We were all the day with the family, they took us to a comercial center to buy gifts or any thing… We were with more Danish and Spanish people, we ate a hot dog there and in the evening we went to an amusement park… We happened there afternoon and at night we went to house of the Danish of Raquel to have supper all together when we finished having supper we were awhile together and later we went each one to the house of its Danish.
Sunday: It was I complete day that we had left to be there, that behind schedule went us to house, so the families took to see the old city to us, there also we can buy something but not much. We were each one with its Danish family, when we finished we went to house to finish making the suitcase, eating something fast and to go to us where we taked the bus, we had us who to return to valence. The truth is that nobody had desire but… We had ourselves to go…! Some were crying and other no! When we arrived at the airport we saw that the airplane had been delayed 2 hours… We had supper by the airport and soon either we went to Madrid, we took a bus in Madrid until valence and or we were in house…!